Womb Centre Meditation for Perimenopause

Rachael Crow

This womb meditation is a unique healing experience, bringing balance to the hormones, tapping you into the mini energy centres of the cervix, womb and ovaries and bringing opportunity to recalibrate the energy of your womb centre as you journey the territory of Moon Pause.

(for the visual of the energy centres we are working with, see the image below)

Crossing the threshold of perimenopause can leave us exhausted and feeling in a place of such uncertainty, so the importance of ‘self help tools’ are vital to support us to maintain balance and acceptance as we navigate this new terrain.

This visualisation is something to add to your tool box- to bring balance , healing and deeper womb connection.

To work deeper with me on your Moon Pause Journey, Join my Broken Basket Woman course.



I do hope you enjoy this meditation, it is a healing session for you, rest afterwards, be gentle with yourself, drink plenty of water. Do not listen to while driving or operating machinery!

Perimenopause and her Forgotten Archetype

Rachael CrowBlog

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Stimulants and how they affect us going into Perimenopause!

Rachael CrowBlog

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Perimenopause is Calling You to Your Soul Path, Your SELF

Rachael CrowBlog

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My response to the Channel 4 menopause programme & an adrenal cocktail recipe!

Rachael CrowBlog

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Love Your Period On Line Teaching

Rachael CrowOn Line Teachings

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The Real Truth About Menopause

Rachael CrowBlog

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Books that have helped me on my menopause journey…

Rachael CrowBlog

Note I have added links to where I found these books as many are now out of print…there are many secondhand bookshops on line and on the high streets, or you may prefer to buy a new version. I have no affiliation with any of the shops that are linked! The Wisdom of Menopause by Christiane Northrup….. includes mainstream info …