It was such a privilege to be interviewed by Leora Leboff, I’m a huge fan of hers and Kate Codringtons work at Woman-kind. Joining thier Commit to Kindness course got me firmly on the path of self care…. And it’s no coincidence that became the foundation for my ‘radical self care’ practice!! Everything comes to us at the right time…
The Real Truth About Menopause
In response to the BBCs Truth About Menopause a few of us who work in the field of positive menopause will be putting out some #therealtruthaboutmenopause posts! I believe menopause is a women’s Initiation to wise woman! Whilst some of the symptoms can feel debilitating, if we can change our view about them, feeling into them as our body initiating …
Cervical care, womb packs, yoni steams and womb massage
So how do we “care” for our cervix when she is so tucked away and invisible…? Here I share what I do for my cervical care! First, Womb Packs. Ever since reading Alexandra Popes Wild Genie book, I’ve been doing castor oil packs on my womb…they are so soothing, they ease cramps and generally help you relax…but, they are so messy…oil …
You…Yes You…You can do it!!
I often wonder where my inner strength comes from…why I have such strong convictions in my life? I questioned everything from an early age and I saw folk who were meant to be ‘holy and spiritual’ – and should know better behave badly. In my convent school I was hit by nuns, after birthing my daughter out of wedlock my …
Healing ourselves, Healing the world
I posted this image on social media recently and had quite a lot of resistance from women who struggle with their mother relationships. I believe in healing our Mother Lines in whatever way we can, and yes, I know if we have dysfunctional families and we’ve removed ourselves from the toxicity it’s hard, but everything can be healed and theres …
Breaking the Patriarchal business model
In response to whats going on in the world right now, on global scale, UK scale and community scale, I’ve been sitting with how we women can model a better way of being in business. I wrote a bit about this in my last newsletter- how I see the Wise Womans Way of running a business. I’ve been in business …
Ovarian Breathing
Ovarian Breathing Exercise: Place the hands over the Ovarian centres, just below and on either side of the belly button, with the fingertips pointing downward over the pubic bone and the thumbs touching gently together near the navel creating an inverted triangle over the ovaries. Sit quietly and rest the tongue gently on the roof of the mouth with the …
Perimenopause is Calling You to Your Soul Path, Your SELF
The journey of perimenopause is a CALLING to THE SELF… I’ve been sitting in circles with women sharing about their rage, their insomnia, hot flushes, more rage, and they are asking how can I get though this? Well for now, my rage has subsided. I’ve released deep grief for the things ‘I thought’ I would/should/could have been doing/done by now- …
Healing Fibroids
I have severe fibroids that the Drs say require removing by hysterectomy, I’ve suffered heavy periods for so long, I’m fed up, but having my womb removed feels drastic? Any tips? thanks, Susan Hi Susan, firstly I wonder how old you are? Often fibroids can shrink themselves after menopause, since you mention still bleeding I’ll presume you’re not quite at …
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