Supporting Menopause Naturally

Rachael CrowBlog

Compiled by Rachael Crow Menopause is the permanent end of menstruation and fertility, defined as occurring 12 months after your last menstrual period. You can start to transition into menopause as early as your mid-30s, with most women entering menopause in their 40s or 50s. For some, menopause comes earlier due to high stress and/ or health conditions, including a …

Gateway to Menopause….Standing at the Threshold to Wise Woman

Rachael CrowBlog

Gateway to Menopause….Standing at the Threshold to Wise Woman As a woman who has been working with my cycle for most of my adult years, with a particular passion for celebrating women- young and old…I was noticing a fear arising in me about menopause….I wasn’t really sure what it would bring, not many women where speaking about it, and when …

Messages from my Inner Autumn Woman

Rachael CrowBlog

This month I had the spaciousness to fully drop into my Moontime Womb cave for a few days- no children, work, errands!! And the insights kept coming and coming….. I felt deeply connected into the Autumn Woman archetype- I call her the Enchantress or Priestess; she can be the pre-menstrual phase of the cycle, and the peri menopause phase of …

Musings of a Peri-Menopausal Woman

Rachael CrowBlog

“Peri menopause is like being pre-menstrual ALL MONTH LONG.” When I heard that I couldn’t quite believe it, especially since I had done so much positive menstrual work since my 20’s…PMT/PMS whatever you want to label it, it just didn’t exist for me anymore….I had maybe one day- just before my bleed where I was a bit “off”, but if …

Why “Catch Up Ceremonies” are Important…

Rachael CrowBlog

Having taken many, many women through ‘catch up ceremonies’- whether they are birth, mid girl, menarche, leaving home, closing the bones, croning….whatever ceremony or ritual it might be, the response is always “THAT WAS POWERFUL!” ….and then there’s the positive after effects! For women who have taken part in a menarche ceremony and reconnected to their maiden self, its huge! …

A few Days in the Life of a Peri Menopausal Woman…

Rachael CrowBlog, Uncategorized

A few Days in the Life of a Peri Menopausal Woman… When will there be a menstruation book for mothers? For peri menopausal mothers? Whilst I am deeply grateful for the wonderful books that led me to the power of my menstruation- Red Moon, Wild Genie, Wild Power, Code Red, Her Blood is Gold and others…there is very little mention …

I hold the secrets of the earth, and the stories of the women

Rachael CrowBlog

I hold the secrets of the earth, and the stories of the women I am the story keeper, red tent priestess, medicine woman Kali, Crow woman, Truth speaker, Womb listener, Earth lover Locked within me are the stories of a hundred thousand women… Beautiful birth stories, babes ripped from womb stories, The babies who slept on stories…. The girls who …