Journeying Around the Life Spiral…..Feet Firmly on your Soul Path

Rachael CrowBlog

My online courses, Wise Woman Medicine Woman- 13 Moons Journey and the Deepening Woman (thought with Eartha Love) both include journeying around the life spiral as taught by my mentor Gail Burkett. This is a map of womanhood, a map of our thresholds as we travel through our lives. I have adapted the Life Spiral to fit with these rites …

Kate and Rachael chat about all things cervical! Smears, Lletz, cancer…..

Rachael CrowBlog

I connected with Kate when her book was shared on a Facebook group. Kate learnt about the cervix the hard way, when a common medical procedure called LLETZ, which removes abnormal cells from the cervix, caused her to lose her sexual function. Sex became painful. She lost her libido, and her ability to orgasm. She was too scared to go …

Who Holds The Women Who Hold The Women?

Rachael CrowBlog

I’ve had a tough week. Premenstrual, which in perimenopause means a ramping up of all the ‘manifestations’ – migraines, insomnia, hot flushes, night sweats, and dark, dark moods. My body is calling me to stop, to rest, to have peace and quiet, to go within. How do I let go of it all? Who can hold me so I can …

We are missing the Grandmothers

Rachael CrowBlog

During a women’s circle today, some of us perimenopausal women were saying how much we need elder women to guide us and offer their wisdom. We are struggling to find our wise elders in our communities. We are struggling to “do it all”- work, raise the kids, do the housework…men are struggling just as much as women. We are all …

‘Why Does Mummy Bleed?’ – Living Through Learning Book Review

Rachael CrowBlog

I was interviewed recently by Adeola Sheehy-Adekale for Learning Through Living- see the “Presence” and “Happiness” issues for my book review of “Why Does Mummy Bleed?” and interview. “Rachael Crow is the founder of Moon Times, a business whose focus is to empower women in body appreciation, environmental awareness and self-respect. She is an ‘agony’ aunt, a teacher and healer, …

Interview for Learning Through Living Journal

Rachael CrowBlog

I was interviewed recently by Adeola Sheehy-Adekale for Learning Through Living– see the “Presence” and “Happiness” issues for this interview and my book review of “Why Does Mummy Bleed?” You call yourself an Eco Menstrual Revolutionary, what does that mean? To me a revolutionary is someone who is making changes, and i’ve been challenging women about their menstrual products for …

How to Ease Flooding!!

Rachael CrowBlog

Flooding is one of the biggest issues women are coming to me with – from young women just starting their periods, through to women who have just ‘put up with it’ for years, to women in perimenopause who have just begun to experience it. The medical term for excessive bleeding is menorrhagia. So I want to remind you all, that …

Detoxing Your Home

Rachael CrowBlog

Do you have products like these in your home? Did you know the ingredients are untested, highly carcinogenic and damaging to your health and the planets? Just because your home is clean, doesn’t mean its free of toxins. In order to create a truly healthy space, you need to consciously detox your home of not-so-obvious synthetic chemicals that are often …

Perimenopause and her Forgotten Archetype

Rachael CrowBlog

Ever since reading Miranda Grays book Red Moon in my 20’s I’ve always used the archetypes of the cycle for my “Map of Womanhood”- Maiden, Mother, Enchantress/Priestess, Crone. (although in recent years I’ve come to use Medicine Woman for the premenstrual enchantress phase.) It popular nowadays for to use the seasons- Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter- same same for me, just …

Stimulants and how they affect us going into Perimenopause!

Rachael CrowBlog

Landing home after an amazing week in Spain on a juice detox, I learned a few things about caffeine and its effect on the body…this explains why so many of us are constantly tired, reaching for caffeine and sugar to pick us up, when in fact its the cause of the fatigue. Here I explain a bit more! here’s the …