Friday Healings- I am offering healing sessions on these dates- contact me to book in. Jan 31st, Feb 14th, 28th, March 14th, 28th. I combine integrative and intuitive healing techniques to create a custom designed healing for each of my clients. Reiki means ‘universal wisdom and life energy’ It is a Japanese form of healing similar to spiritual healing where …
The Reiki Principles
Reiki means ‘universal wisdom and life energy’, it is also known as ‘the secret art of inviting happiness’. Here we talk about the Reiki Principles and how we apply them in our lives! “Just for today do not anger Just for today do not worry Earn your living honestly Show gratitude to all living things Be kind to others today …
Learn Reiki 1 On Line *half price sale*
[show_wp_shopping_cart] cost- £99 £49 HALF PRICE SALE! PAY WHAT YOU CAN! paypal I really feel this healing tool is needed in these times, so plase join me in learning Reiki and change your life for the better! Reiki will change your life…for the better….It’s an amazingly simple healing tool that is so needed in these times of change! As …
What happens after attunement?
Physical Purification: When Reiki is purifying the physical body, flu-like symptoms may be experienced: minor discomforts including achy muscles, fever, headache, sore throat, excessive mucus, coughing, constipation, diarrhoea, and other symptoms. As toxins are being released, odours in the urine and faeces may change. Pressures or pains throughout the body, tingling, nausea, or spinning sensations may also be felt in …
Preparing for a Reiki Attunement
A Reiki attunement is a process of empowerment that opens the crown, heart and palm chakras, connecting your body to the unlimited source of Reiki energy. During and after an attunement subtle changes are brought about to cleanse and heal you in order to more effectively use this energy. These changes take place on all levels, physical, mental, emotional and …
How do I ‘channel’ Reiki?
Here Lianne and I talk about what got us into reiki and we share some techniques- Gassho, creating an energy ball, “dry bathing” and finishing in a protective pyramid of light! The Reiki attunement process is how one becomes a channel for Reiki. Attunements can be given only by a Reiki master and can be given for either the purpose …
Reiki and its History
The Reiki symbol has a number of meanings: universal life energy soul energy mysterious spirit REI– The first line across the top represents heaven or life force energy. The second horizontal line and the 4 underneath represent clouds/rain. The vertical line brings down the life force from heaven through the clouds of illusion. The next horizontal line symbolises ‘under’ heaven. …
10 reasons to learn Reiki
Reiki connects you to universal energy so you can heal yourself whenever you feel the need. You can balance your body, mind and spirit by spending some time each day devoted to self-healing. If you are feeling that there is something missing in your life that you can’t quite pin point, chances are that it’s your spirituality. By learning Reiki …
What is Reiki?
Reiki is a very powerful self development tool, heightening intuition, helping develop a positive attitude to life, increasing energy and expanding creativity and opening doors which you don’t even know exist. Reiki is a holistic form of healing; it treats the source of any disease – emotional, mental, physical and spiritual and promotes balance and health. It was rediscovered and …
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