Enema Recipes

Rachael CrowUncategorized

If administered carefully and conscientiously, these homemade enema solutions are all safe, effective and relatively comfortable. Just make sure that you don’t overuse or misuse any of them. By all means, consult a healthcare provider if symptoms persist or if the enema doesn’t work or leads to any type of complication.  If you think you need more information before using …

Skin brushing!

Rachael CrowUncategorized

Dry Skin Brushing Believe it or not, the skin is one of the most toxifed parts of the body. Our skin is the longest organ, it stretches from the top of our head to the tip of our toes, and up to one-third of all the blood circulating in our body goes to the skin. Our skin is also responsible …

Drum Hides and my feelings around them

Rachael CrowUncategorized

I made my first drum over 20 years ago and after reading Layne Redmond’s book “When the Women were Drummers” I felt guided to create drums for people to play and connect to the heartbeat of our Earth Mother. Hides mostly come from within the United Kingdom and are either from culled wild deer/stags or animals that have naturally died. …

Learn Reiki 1 On Line *half price sale*

Rachael CrowOn Line Teachings, Reiki, Uncategorized

[show_wp_shopping_cart] cost- £99 £49 HALF PRICE SALE! PAY WHAT YOU CAN! paypal hello@moontimes.co.uk I really feel this healing tool is needed in these times, so plase join me in learning Reiki and change your life for the better! Reiki will change your life…for the better….It’s an amazingly simple healing tool that is so needed in these times of change! As …