Stag-Deer-Oak-Ash- Drum Apprentice Training

Rachael CrowBlog, Drum Making, Workshops

Join the Sisterhood of Drummers!

Learn the powerful skill of guiding others through their drum alchemy journey and step in to a new vocation!

Being a Drum maker/teacher makes you a weaver of a magical drumming community and a ceremonial space holder- sending sacred drums out into the world- together, we do this in co-creation with the Divine Feminine – for the next generations and the new earth frequency.

This apprenticeship is over 9 months- we meet in person over 2 weekends and there will be zoom support between, you will have 3 months after the last weekend to complete on ‘homework’. Limited to 6 places.

In person dates will be March 22/23rd and September 20/21st, in West Wales Pembrokeshire.
Between weekend Zoom dates-Zooms- May 22nd 7pm, July 10th 7pm, Nov 6th 7pm

Please email for an application form  

Your investment will be £1,444 if paid in full
PAYMENT options-
3 payments -one of £200 (deposit before Jan 31st) then £546 to be paid before March, and £746 to be paid before Sept
or £200 deposit then 9 Monthly Payments of £144

VALUE- what’s included for you…..4 days in person with me, 2 drums for yourself or to sell, materials to make another drum, the online courses- business course and drumming courses, my drum making videos, plus the 3 zooms- PLUS this is an amazing future business opportunity for your self!

Note- price does NOT include accommodation.

Becoming my apprentice for these 9 months will attune you to the tools needed to-

Teach the magical alchemy of drum birthing

Hold space for a group or circle- including etiquette of circles

Create ceremony, altars, ritual

Facilitate visualisations and drum journeys

Pass on the deep knowledge, story and reverence for the drum as a living being

Bring your own unique gifts and weave your stories into teaching

Learn past drum stories and future drum stories

The timelines of drum preparation

Contacts to order materials from

take home 1 hoop and deer hide in which to teach your first pupil the art of making a drum


We will meet over the equinoxes- March and September, for a weekend to learn these tools as well as the practicals of actually making a drum, teaching someone to make a drum, sourcing/ buying materials, storage of materials….Business support, and more.
The September weekend will include an evening drum circle, including a ‘plant medicine’ journey (we will co-create this as a group using either cacao, mugwort, nettle for eg!) .

You will have access to my drum and beater making videos, my online drum courses and my New Paradigm Business course.

You will get to make 2 drums- one on each weekend alongside learning the skills needed to teach.

There will be some reflective homework between the weekends, and a telegram/WhatsApp group for support, I encourage you to practice your skills- run a group or 1-1 teaching, 3 group zoom calls to allow you to ask questions or discuss how your practice has been, share on the homework assignments, and there will be evaluations of your skills during the weekends together. You will have 3 months after the last weekend to complete homework. 

Things to consider-

Ideally applicants have made a drum with me previously. Whilst if you haven’t made a drum, this shouldn’t be a block to applying, it’s worth considering why you want to teach drum making if you haven’t yet made one yourself.

Are you a natural teacher, do you already hold space for groups or 1-1’s?

Are you acquainted with shamanic practices, journeying, meditation?

Do you have finances to invest in this training- and drum material stock? (see prices here– I will offer wholesale prices to students)

Do you have somewhere to teach from, and to store materials?

If you feel ready…..Apply here-   

For more on the ethics of the hides and materials see here