Broken Basket Woman/ Menopause 101- Online Teachings

Rachael CrowOn Line Teachings

Broken Basket Woman  cost-£55 /£66 pay what you can-  puchase here Broken Basket Woman, Mid Woman, Changing Woman, Wise Woman, Deepening Woman, Sacred Wise Woman teachings for women on their Mid Woman Journey….. Standing at the threshold of what our society labels ‘menopause’ can be a lonely and scary time. Something is changing. We are slowly wrapping ourselves in our cocoons …

Navigating the Threshold of Menopause Naturally

Rachael CrowBlog

Menopause is the permanent end of menstruation and fertility, defined as occurring 12 months after your last menstrual period. You can start to transition into menopause as early as your mid-30s, with most women entering menopause in their 40s or 50s.This is known as peri-menopause or pre-menopause. For some, menopause comes earlier due to high stress and/ or health conditions, including a …

Supporting Menopause Naturally

Rachael CrowBlog

Compiled by Rachael Crow Menopause is the permanent end of menstruation and fertility, defined as occurring 12 months after your last menstrual period. You can start to transition into menopause as early as your mid-30s, with most women entering menopause in their 40s or 50s. For some, menopause comes earlier due to high stress and/ or health conditions, including a …

Gateway to Menopause….Standing at the Threshold to Wise Woman

Rachael CrowBlog

Gateway to Menopause….Standing at the Threshold to Wise Woman As a woman who has been working with my cycle for most of my adult years, with a particular passion for celebrating women- young and old…I was noticing a fear arising in me about menopause….I wasn’t really sure what it would bring, not many women where speaking about it, and when …

Musings of a Peri-Menopausal Woman

Rachael CrowBlog

“Peri menopause is like being pre-menstrual ALL MONTH LONG.” When I heard that I couldn’t quite believe it, especially since I had done so much positive menstrual work since my 20’s…PMT/PMS whatever you want to label it, it just didn’t exist for me anymore….I had maybe one day- just before my bleed where I was a bit “off”, but if …

A few Days in the Life of a Peri Menopausal Woman…

Rachael CrowBlog, Uncategorized

A few Days in the Life of a Peri Menopausal Woman… When will there be a menstruation book for mothers? For peri menopausal mothers? Whilst I am deeply grateful for the wonderful books that led me to the power of my menstruation- Red Moon, Wild Genie, Wild Power, Code Red, Her Blood is Gold and others…there is very little mention …

Womb Clearing meditation & Womb Massage audio

Rachael Crow

This package includes 2 downloads of audios, the first being a powerful womb clearing meditation, and the second is womb massageinstructions, where I lead you through a gentle womb massage routine to help integrate the meditation and relase any physical blocks.

Our womb has its own natural clearing each month as we go into our mensturation, so this time of our cycle can be used to consciously release old traumas from procedures, birth or sexual trauma.

If you are no longer bleeding, you can energetically cleanse and clear your womb space (even if you no longer have a womb) by connecting to this space and sending loving, healing energy.

The massage routine is soothing for those who no longer have a physical womb, just to connect in with the energetic womb space is profoundly healing.

Of course massage can help with menstrual issues, infertility, cramps, PMS, peri menopause symptoms etc, regular practice and womb connection and bring peace and love to our womb space. Womb massage is perfect for any time of the month but not while menstruating.

These two audios are taken from my Love Your Period online teaching, if you would like to go deeper with your womb journey, why not join us?

Work with Me

My passion is Empowering people to find their own Inner Medicine – we are all healers, and when we listen deeply to our bodies and our wombs we can heal anything! Email me to book a zoom chat about menopause, cancer, life transtions, cleansing… I offer a free 15 min cancer chat,  zooms are £55 an hour. Scroll down for …

A Tirade….

Rachael CrowBlog

Reading ‘Tirade’ from Ripening Through Menopause by Melissa Assilem. Melissa kindly gave me permission to read from her book, which I absolutely love! Her ‘tirade’ sums up my feelings towards the way women are treated by some Dr’s and I certainly identified this after my experiences of how the Dr’s were with me when I chose my own healing path …