Breaking the Patriarchal business model

Rachael CrowBlog

In response to whats going on in the world right now, on global scale, UK scale and community scale, I’ve been sitting with how we women can model a better way of being in business. I wrote a bit about this in my last newsletter- how I see the Wise Womans Way of running a business. I’ve been in business …

Healing Fibroids

Rachael CrowBlog

I have severe fibroids that the Drs say require removing by hysterectomy, I’ve suffered heavy periods for so long, I’m fed up, but having my womb removed feels drastic? Any tips? thanks, Susan Hi Susan, firstly I wonder how old you are? Often fibroids can shrink themselves after menopause, since you mention still bleeding I’ll presume you’re not quite at …

Hello Cervix…..have we connected lately?

Rachael CrowUncategorized

Last week I was introduced to two amazing women bringing awareness to our Cervix! So let me introduce YOU to Denell at Cervical Wellness and Olivia who is part of a team at Self Cervix. Why did I find these women… well as with all womb things- if you have any issues, your GP will invariably ask you when your …

Recipe- Healthy Cacao Bites

Rachael CrowBlog

Cycle day 6, inner spring. My inner girl wants chocolate biscuits! My hearth goddess (see pic above) watches over me and guides me to make tasty nutritious foods…. And for those of us in perimenopause it’s really important we look after our health which means having a good diet!! So here’s my raw ultra nutritious cacoa bites… I blended some …

Moon Pause Musings- vlog

Rachael CrowBlog

Grab a cuppa and lets chat about Menopause… #therealtruthaboutmenopause Breaking taboos, breaking the silence against ‘menopause’ women are speaking out more and more on their journey to elder. We are going through a process of self initiation, our bodies are initiating us , but while in this cocoon of change, we are changing woman, don’t expect too much from us! …

Allies to Support You

Rachael CrowBlog, Uncategorized

Firstly remember…As the Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care puts it, “Menopause is not an illness. It is normal for hormone levels to fall in middle age. These hormones do not need to be replaced.” Up your self care!! Look at the stressors in your life, what can you cut back on? Spend more time with yourself- journaling, …

Advice I wish I’d had….

Rachael CrowBlog

Advice I wish I’d had…. I often ask women, what advice would you give your younger self? (it helps us to remember to go easy on our daughters!) I’ve been pondering this again recently …as I head towards menopause I’m craving the wisdom of elder women to support and gently guide me through this journey. It’s easy in hindsight to …

Red Girl (Mid Girl and Menarche) Passages- Online Teachings

Rachael CrowOn Line Teachings

      Red Girl (Mid Girl & Menarche) Passages -£66 buy here  How many girls are taught that their menstruation is her power? How would your relationship to your cycle have been different if you had been celebrated at menarche? What if society was set up to support women living by their cycle instead of encouraging us to ignore …

Online Offerings

I’m thrilled to be offering some online offerings and other tools so you can participate in the wisdom shared in my Red Tent journey circles, drum groups etc. I have been holding and facilitating workshops and classes, including rites of passage ceremonies for over 30 years- for more information about me see my About Me page! My passion is Empowering …

Why “Catch Up Ceremonies” are Important…

Rachael CrowBlog

Having taken many, many women through ‘catch up ceremonies’- whether they are birth, mid girl, menarche, leaving home, closing the bones, croning….whatever ceremony or ritual it might be, the response is always “THAT WAS POWERFUL!” ….and then there’s the positive after effects! For women who have taken part in a menarche ceremony and reconnected to their maiden self, its huge! …