Magical Blue Lotus Aura Spray
Blue Lotus & Rose Aura Spray blessed by Isis- my guide. Each bottle has a silver Ankh.
See full properties below. initially made for my 13 Moons groups (batch 1, these are batch 2 made over the Summer Solstice), with the intention of accessing higher wisdoms and opening our hearts. This spray is used at the start of each womens circle.
100ml £17 plus UK postage
Handmade in Wales in small batches.
why not add some magical Cacao medicine to your order!
ingredients- Rose Water, Blue Lotus Flower, Blue Lotus oil, Rose oil, 7 Rose quartz crystals and the love and blessings of Isis.
2 in stock
Rose medicine- Roses offer a reconnection to Pure Love and work as a vibrational salve for the Heart, they are here to help unlock, release and facilitate healing of residual stories and trauma from the past. They open us to a remembrance of The Way of The Rose, the path of Beauty, Truth and Love, of Divine Feminine Wisdom, Inner Peace, Soul Mastery and ultimate union with Self. Since many varieties have noticeable thorns, roses are also often used for protection. Washing clothes with rosewater makes them magically protective. Far from the legends and confirmed by ancient manuscripts, it can be said that the Egyptians used roses in their funeral rites. As we also know with certainty that the Romans used them to decorate doors and images of Gods like Bacchus, Cupid, or Venus. The rose has always been used and considered in the magical world as a flower capable of attracting good luck, love, and health.
It’s the most famous icon of purity. Roses are ruled by the planet Venus and the element of water.
For many drawn to the Rose path there is an immediate felt familiarity as the work was lived and shared in the Temples of Atlantis and Egypt. The Brothers and Sisters of the Rose have carried this knowledge through the eons knowing that when the time was right the Rosa Mystica would be called forward again to open Hearts and bring balance, harmony and healing to the Sacred weave of Masculine / Feminine and uplift humanity. As above so below As within so without.
Blue Lotus- In the oldest Egyptian cosmogony, the world began when the Sun God Ra (Atum) emerged from a blue water lily growing in a dark pool of nothingness symbolizing chaos (Nun). This blue water lily is a plant that was sacred to Egyptian culture since the earliest dynasties thousands of years ago. Overtime the flower of the blue water lily (Nymphaea caerulea) evolved into a symbol of the cycle of life and death and was featured prominently in tomb motifs of the pharaohs and members of the highest caste, being one of the primary offerings the high ranking dead were decorated with for their journey into the afterlife. Blue lotus flower was used extensively in the religious and healing ceremonies of the high priests of Egypt, and Nymphaea caerulea was a herb revered because of its unique plant pharmacology which bestow upon it transcendental mind-altering properties.
Blue lotus flower contains an assortment of plant phytochemicals like alkaloids and flavonoids that together make it mildly psychoactive, sedative, and it’s a strong aphrodisiac. Blue lotus flower has these properties primarily because it normalizes the activity of the central nervous system by acting on dopamine and serotonin receptors in the brain. Little human-based research has been completed on blue lotus flower, but abundant research exists on its main chemical constituents apomorphine, nuciferine, and antioxidant flavonoids. In addition to this its rich history of use across many different cultures supports its use in treating mental health issues like depression, paranoia, and insomnia, as well as neurodegenerative problems like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease.
Beyond its potential health and wellness uses, blue lotus flower is a herb that can be used to facilitate spiritual growth by tuning human consciousness to different dimensions of reality, and this shamanistic effect of blue lotus flower is especially powerful when combined with other psychedelic herbs like cannabis.
At the bottom of the bottle are tiny Rose quartz- healing properties of rose quartz connect to the heart chakra, the centre of love. By opening and healing your heart centre, the Rose Quartz chakra helps guide you to deepen relationships and embrace kindness, compassion, tenderness, and love toward yourself and those around you.