Reiki Children

Rachael CrowReiki, Workshops

~lwf0000I am happy to attune children to Reiki I, as long as the child gives permission and wants to learn reiki and their parent can support them with using reiki for self healing, calming themselves and aiding sleep. Children must be able to sit for at least 10 mins quietly to recieve the attunement and participate in short meditations.

Prior to a class its beneficial if children can refrain from having too much sugar! See my info on what happens after an attunement.

Small classes can be arranged or as a one to one. A children’s Reiki Manual is provided. The cost for one to one is £50, costs for classes varies.


Teens class TBC

Childrens class for ages 8-12 TBC

Limited to 6 children/teens for each day. Parents welcome to stay, if the parents wish to learn along side the child/teen, it’s £70 for both.

Email  to book or for further information.