Day 1
i thought it would be good for me to make a daily video from the Week Long Retreat- to help me remember but also for anyone wondering what a week long wth Dr Joe is like!! Here’s my vid from day 1.
Day 2
Long meditations, going into nothing, 6am starts!
Pic below taken by Dr Joes team while i’m on the walking meditation.
Day 3, 5.5hrs of meditations, being recorded for Dr Joe’s YouTube and my meditation experiences!!
Day 4
Our Walking Meditation, more learning and trancing out!!
Day 5
Pineal Gland, Aliens & Angels (!) and coherance Healing.

Day 6- 4 hour long meditations- at 4am not 5!! Amazing science data, mind blowing healing. Bliss.
And a GiFT for you! Click here!
Breath Demo- clck here
Day 7- Last day with Dr Joe – tomorrow is the first day of the rest of my Life!!!! Landing home, my intentions, amazing healings, Who do You want to Be and How Do You Want To Feel?

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