Reiki/Quantum Holographic healing

Rachael CrowReiki

Friday Healings- I am offering healing sessions on these dates- contact me to book in. Jan 31st, Feb 14th, 28th, March 14th, 28th.  I combine integrative and intuitive healing techniques to create a custom designed healing for each of my clients. Reiki means ‘universal wisdom and life energy’ It is a Japanese form of healing similar to spiritual healing where …

The Violet Flame

Rachael CrowBlog

Saint Germain’s violet flame mantra for the Aquarian Age – I AM a being of violet fire. I AM the purity God desires. Elizabeth Clare Prophet explains and demonstrates how to use the violet flame in a practical daily application for personal transformation as well as the healing of the environment, the economy and the world situation. Be a Violet …

Staying in the Flow of Wellbeing! Newsletter

Rachael CrowBlog

Hello my beauties, Well here we are, still in our cocoon time (as I’m calling it!), and here in West Wales we are being blessed with awesome weather, I’ve been meditating, doing my yoga and making drums in the garden while the kids entertain themselves with finding toads, frogspawn and playing in the paddling pool. I have also had time …

Learn Reiki 1 On Line *half price sale*

Rachael CrowOn Line Teachings, Reiki, Uncategorized

[show_wp_shopping_cart] cost- £99 £49 HALF PRICE SALE! PAY WHAT YOU CAN! paypal I really feel this healing tool is needed in these times, so plase join me in learning Reiki and change your life for the better! Reiki will change your life…for the better….It’s an amazingly simple healing tool that is so needed in these times of change! As …

Intuitive Massage for Women

Rachael CrowBirth

I combine integrative and intuitive healing techniques to create a custom designed healing massage for each of my clients. Massage is an age old ancient therapy, an extension of the instinctive urge to touch and soothe. It counteracts our stressful lives by providing an opportunity for deep relaxation. Therapeutic touch has been found to introduce relaxation and reduce stress, decrease …

What happens after attunement?

Rachael CrowReiki

Physical Purification: When Reiki is purifying the physical body, flu-like symptoms may be experienced: minor discomforts including achy muscles, fever, headache, sore throat, excessive mucus, coughing, constipation, diarrhoea, and other symptoms. As toxins are being released, odours in the urine and faeces may change. Pressures or pains throughout the body, tingling, nausea, or spinning sensations may also be felt in …

Preparing for a Reiki Attunement

Rachael CrowReiki

A Reiki attunement is a process of empowerment that opens the crown, heart and palm chakras, connecting your body to the unlimited source of Reiki energy. During and after an attunement subtle changes are brought about to cleanse and heal you in order to more effectively use this energy. These changes take place on all levels, physical, mental, emotional and …

How do I ‘channel’ Reiki?

Rachael CrowReiki

Here Lianne and I talk about what got us into reiki and we share some techniques- Gassho, creating an energy ball, “dry bathing” and finishing in a protective pyramid of light! The Reiki attunement process is how one becomes a channel for Reiki. Attunements can be given only by a Reiki master and can be given for either the purpose …