A musing on circles, teaching and holding them, sharing and “over” sharing…and more!

Rachael CrowBlog

There’s a lot more to holding circles than it may seem- those of us who have been doing it for years make it look easy- yes we hold them with boundaries, grace and compassion since we have had YEARS of practice! Here i share my musings on circles, sharing, teachers, the difference between a womens circle and a paid workshop- …

The time of the Teacher is coming to an end….

Rachael CrowBlog

The time of us handing our power to teachers and gurus is over…This Moon Pause woman has had enough of seeing folk handing their soulskins over to others, the time for SHARING and collaboration, community and support is HERE! My tribe, those who are in my work circles, here in Wales and the smaller towns in the UK are sick …