We are missing the Grandmothers

Rachael CrowBlog

During a women’s circle today, some of us perimenopausal women were saying how much we need elder women to guide us and offer their wisdom. We are struggling to find our wise elders in our communities. We are struggling to “do it all”- work, raise the kids, do the housework…men are struggling just as much as women. We are all …

Vulnerability or Over Sharing?

Rachael CrowBlog

I’m seeing a lot ‘over sharing’ posts across social media these days, used as a way to gain more followers and ‘likes’. Vulnerability seems to be being abused and many don’t seem to know the difference between being vulnerable and over sharing. Let me start with over sharing- these are the posts where you come away feeling slightly violated, voyeuristic, …

The Grandmothers Speak….

Rachael CrowBlog

Ever since I was a child I have felt the Grandmothers presence around me. Wise indigenous elders, who hold council on the etheric plane, the web of light. Often I sense other divine feminine figures working with them, Mary Magdalene and Isis are two I connect with regularly, my spirit animals too. One way to connect with the Grandmothers is …

Red Girl (Mid Girl and Menarche) Passages- Online Teachings

Rachael CrowOn Line Teachings

      Red Girl (Mid Girl & Menarche) Passages -£66 buy here  How many girls are taught that their menstruation is her power? How would your relationship to your cycle have been different if you had been celebrated at menarche? What if society was set up to support women living by their cycle instead of encouraging us to ignore …

Thirteen Moons Journey

Rachael CrowUncategorized

Next Journey Starts Jan 2016….. with Rachael Hertogs.  Join me and a circle of women, in this 13 moons long journey in the Womens Mysteries; menstrual recapitulation, shamanic drum making, rites of passage ceremonies, meditation, Jade Circle practices, Red Tent and Moon Lodge wisdom, Sacred Scars*, journaling, circling, chanting, crafting, touching nature, staying up to watch the sunrise, all night …