Wise Woman * Medicine Woman* Mystery School* Thirteen Moons Journey *Online*

Rachael CrowOn Line Teachings, Uncategorized, Workshops

This is the Online version-  we start January 2025

i’ve had so many requests over the last few years ‘when will you run your 13 moons again? and would you run it online?’ – well, finally it’s happening!!!

What will it be?

An alchemical cauldron of all my knowledge from the past 30 years of holding circles, teaching womb wisdom, Magdalene offerings, drum journeys, meditations, holding cleanses- my unique medicine….PLUS what i have learned the past 5 years while healing, transitioning moon-pause, cancer initiation….

So together we will flow and weave a new Her Story for the New Earth and Ourselves!

Each month there will be –

videos, songs for joy and to drum to, a herb to immerse with, meditations, a PDF workbook,  exercises such as nature connection, ceremony/ritual….

plus ongoing creative projects- a belt of power, prayer work, re-writing your story with the support of a Spirit Goddess Mentor, creating spiritual alchemy in your life….

A Telegram Support Group

if you’re ready for an UPGRADE- into your full Higher Self blue/gold print -this journey is for you!!

Cost-  £65 per month or £710 if paid in full

– plus £15 for monthly zooms- optional

email to join- info@rachaelcrow.co.uk the ‘portal’ opens inJanuary 2025

So join me and an intimate circle of women, in this 13 moons long journey in the Womens Mysteries- Working with the Seasonal energies, Nature, The 5 Elements, Egyptian Alchemy- the path of Isis , Mary Magdalene, Sophia, Rose Alchemy, Divine Feminine Christ Energy, Sisterhood of Roses, Frequency healing, Akashic Healing, Embodiment, Weaving a Medicine Belt of POWER, Ceremony, Meditation, Trauma work, Breathwork, Herbal plant immersion- health, healing, the wise woman business model- new paradigm marketing,  journaling,  chanting, crafting, connecting with our ancestors, guides, angels, dragons…

This Thirteen Moons Divine Feminine Mystery School will deepen your connection with our age old knowledge of the ancient mothers; a deep remembering of our natural women’s intuition and connection to our inner medicine woman.


There will be an additional option of a group zoom call (dates below) where we we will gather on a monthly zoom  for an immersion in the Womens Mysteries. These will be an additional £15 – past students welcome

Dates for Zooms – TBC

email to join- info@rachaelcrow.co.uk 


Feedback from previous participants

“Rachael’s 13 Moons Journey is rich, deep and nourishing for the soul! The wealth of information and knowledge that Rachael shares is incredible; it brings together her many years of experience of working with women and is delivered with such love. She offers invitations and experiences to dive deep into sacred craft, reflection and connection with the natural world within a safe space to connect with other women in an online circle. I loved this journey and will use the learning and materials for many, many years in deep gratitude. Each time I play the drum I made during an in-person day acts as a reminder of this beautiful experience.”

‘I was so excited to embark on my 13 moons journey with Rachael and the other ladies and now I’ve come to the end of the year I can only say wow. The things I’ve learned, the in person day I attended, the sheer depth of connection and content is probably the best I’ve experienced to date from a course. 

Rachael pays so much attention to detail, making sure we all stay connected and are catered to without being overbearing . She is a fabulous mentor, and one I have deep respect and acknowledgement for. 

The course itself has provided endless hours of learning and development for myself as a wise medicine woman, sister and mentee. 

The belief in self that being on this course has evoked from myself at a soul level makes me almost sad  that’s it’s come to an end. 

I will carry this with me into my next journey and all the wisdom I have opened myself up to with the help of  the course. 

The other ladies have been a profound support for me, even when I haven’t always reached out. 

The in person day was truly special and turned a key inside of me. My soul was ready long before I  was and this course has helped me to recognise and honour that within myself. I’m stepping into my full power and acknowledgement!

Thank you Rachael for such a profound and beautifully put together course, and one I look forward to revisiting over and over again in my personal study and development. 

I would also like to wish all the sisters well and much love and light for their individual journeys ahead. I love you all!’

Angelique. Xx


‘When I saw 13 Moons advertised last year I kew I had to do it, and I am so glad I have.  What I have gained from being part of this is priceless.  Rachael is an incredible human and her knowledge seems to know no bounds.  I feel that I have finally found my voice and a confidence I didn’t know possible.  Thank you Rachael 🙏’

If you’re wondering who this course is aimed at-

Do you feel “not enough” & unable to step up?

Do you feel unclear what your soul purpose is?

Do you want to feel confident to hold mothers and daughters, and womens circles?

Do you want to be part of creating a new culture for young women?

Do you want to feel supported by women to find your authentic self?

Do you want to lead from divine wisdom?

Do you want to feel empowered to lead ?

Do you want to contribute to co-creating the New Earth?

If you answered YES to any of these questions, then the Wise Woman * Medicine Woman* Thirteen Moons Journey is for you!

email to join- info@rachaelcrow.co.uk the ‘portal’ opens in Sept

These teachings are for ALL women, it will benefit mothers, menopausal women, and women holding circles and working with youth, as the purpose of the teachings are to bring you to your own authenticity so you can live from that place as a strong medicine woman!

To elaborate on the application process, I will be considering the stages of life we are in, reasons for joining the journey and the cauldron of wisdom we will be co-creating to ensure a juicy year together!

I’m so excited about this journey, it will be like a whole year of immersing myself in Red Tent-ness!”


Rachael Crow is a healer, therapist in many modules of womens health & trauma, she has held womens circles, mum and daughter circles, rites of passage cermonies for almost 30 years. Her expertise has been in cycle work, womb work, menopause and womens health as well as out in the ‘main stream’ doing addiction work. She ran her 13 moons programme for four years from 2014-2018. This is the new UPGRADED version 😀

Mother of 4, medicine drum maker living in the wilds of Wales with her 2 youngest children and 2 cats!

After 3 years of living with stage 4 “incurable” cancer, facing her own ‘death sentence’ she is thriving and living life fully and supporting other cancer thrivers, as well as sharing her wisdom on life, fasting and eating well and living WELL!

Get to know me- try some of my FREE healng meditations and journeys- click here

Some videos about teachers, mystery schools, holding circles….

Do you dare?

Will you dare to walk with me today?

Will you take this fork in the road that leads to the unknown?

Will you dare to take that leap of faith?

Look around you, you are not alone in your apprehension.

Do you dare to change?

To step outside your box?

If you open your eyes you will see that many brave women have already walked the path before you!

They have DARED to take a breath, stand up for what they wanted, dared to voice what they believed.

They dared to take that step, the one you and I are at now.

Take my hand, let’s break free together!

Today you will feel the essence of who you TRULY are.

DARE to let your WONDERFUL WOMANESS shine though!


GO ON…I dare you….I dare you to Be YOU!