Work with Me

My passion is Empowering people to find their own Inner Medicine – we are all healers, and when we listen deeply to our bodies, our hearts and our wombs we can heal anything!

Email me to book a holistic guidance chat about menopause, cancer, life transitions, cleansing… I offer a free 15 min cancer chat,  guidance zooms are £55 an hour.

Scroll down for my workshops and custom packages.

Angel Readings here

My in person “Healing Fridays” and  workshops 

For my On Line Courses , Reiki/Quantum Holographic healing, Meditations and Drum Journeys-  click here….and for free ones see here!

One of the online offerings- Initiation- navigating the thresholds of Illness & Death

My Dowsing Services- click here



Energy Work and Distant Healing
As an intuitive and energy worker I will work with you on an energetic level- this starts with an email chat (free) or a holistic guidance zoom (£55), about what you wish to work on, then a distant healing which may lead to guidance with meditations/visualisations, perhaps suggesting some written work/journalling/ cycle charting.

I work on the physical body, the energy field and chakras using Reiki/Quantum Holographic healing and Dowsing. This allows a cleansing, healing and balancing of the mind, body and spirit.

I can support you in clearing obstacles and blocks that keep you from moving forward in your life. During your session, we come together with the Spirit World- my guides and yours- to clear energies, imprints, and patterns negatively impacting you. These clearings take place across multiple dimensions and then directly transform your physical reality.

What I offer- online/distance

Holistic guidance Zoom chat £55 leading into-

General Intuitive Healing Session £60
Distant Healings with a focussed intention- such as womb clearing, releasing past trauma, support in clearing addictive entities, bringing in abundance etc. £70
One off Womb Focussed Healing Session £45
Womb Focussed Healing Session with additional support £55 (meditations, cycle charting info etc)

To book, pay a £20 deposit below and email me at and we will arrange a suitable time and date for the both of us.

Click here to fill out my consultation form

Click here to pay a deposit 

As a sensitive and an intuitive, I have been working in the field of energy work and healing for many years, specialising in womb work for 30 years, supporting women through the transitions of their first blood, menstruation, clearing the womb of past traumas, energetically supporting birth and the menopause threshold. Along side that have worked in the field of addiction recovery for over 20 years, and more recently, because of my own cancer journey, I have started to work with cancer thrivers. My belief is that ‘dis-ease’ is just our body’s way of telling us we are out of balance, everything can be healed! Read more of my story here.

Face to Face- Honouring the Womb and Reiki/Quantum Holographic healing/Massage (please check that I am currently working face to face by emailing)

(I am based in West Wales in Pembrokeshire)

“Honouring The Womb” is created through my knowledge of Womb Wisdom from almost 30 years of learning, teaching, writing about, creating ceremonies and supporting women and girls in their womb power!

I am happy to co-create with you the perfect package that might consist of a ceremony, womb healing /blessing /massage, a closing the bones ceremony, Menarche or other threshold rite of passage honouring, drum birthing….

I am particularly called to offer Womb Honouring for women in peri menopause/menopause/ post hysterectomy to really be present with their Holding The Wise Blood Within. For women who may have had difficult menses, pain, flooding, severe mood swings, I wish to support you in acceptance of your womb as you step over the threshold into moon- pause, saying goodbye and thank you to the dis-ease your womb may have brought you. Together we will release your ‘her-story’ of your womb in ceremony.

Examples of Prices:

sorry no massage at the moment as I am healing carpel tunnel in my wrist. 

All sessions are held in ceremony, we will smudge, meditate, ground and then I will offer-

  • (Womb Massage lasts approx 45 min-1hr- £60- not at the moment)
  • Womb Healing  lasts approx 45 min-1hr- £55
  • Closing the Bones ceremony £70
  • Reiki/Quantum Holographic Healing, Rose Reiki and Reiki with wand £50-75
  • (Closing The Bones with Womb massage £75)
  • (Closing The Bones with robozo and massage £90)
  • Closing the bones, robozo, (no massage at the moment)and belly binding (including the belly bind to keep) £160.
  • Womb Healing with support for a transition- perimenopause, hysterectomy, birth, loss, going back to recover your first blood … approx 1 -1 ½ hrs £75
  • Womb Massage, healing, mini closing the bones, drum birthing £388
  • Drum Birthing 1 day workshop 1-1  from £333

Bell Tent camping / BnB sometimes available for an additional £40 per night .

We can co-create any combination of of the above! 

Contact me to talk it over and book in, Should you need to cancel a treatment/meeting within 24 hrs I charge a 50% cancellation fee.

Do check my  Terms of Service and Privacy Policy

Join my Vitality Support Circle and recieve meditations, drum journeys, zoom calls….


Connect with me….. * Rachael Crow *Online teachings * Drum Making* Videos * Blog *Cancer Sistars * Instagram *

Donate-here , thanks 🙂